
  • New LinkedIn publishing tips

    Brynn's LinkedIn Secrets

    I've been testing the new LinkedIn publishing platform for my blogs this week and have discovered a number of important important tricks to make your blog posts look better:

    Image Sizes

    My default image size is 600 x 330 pixels (16:9 aspect ratio) because it resizes and crops well when viewed on all devices such as desktops, tablets and smart phones. Here's how my last post looks on a Samsung Galaxy S3 smart phone:

    Image Text

    When your post is displayed on a phone or shared, only the post Title will show. If you add text to your image that will show too providing additional information to help convince the reader to click. Here's what a shared post looks like on my phone:

    Brand recognition

    I use a photo of myself in my posts because it helps people recognise that it's Me. Why?

    1. Friends and colleagues are more likely to click it because they recognise me.
    2. It creates a consistent image anchor for my posts so if people read them and like what they read then they're more likely to recognise my posts next time and read them.
    3. It improves my webutation because my mug keeps showing up in your information stream.

    When multiple people start sharing your posts you can see how this all works nicely together. Here's what it looks like on my computer:

    I've created my LinkedIn image template in Google Draw and made it public so you're welcome to copy it to make your own template. Access it here.

    brynn :-)

    Brynn Neilson About


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